Arolatera's Lost Tales
Fragments of Arolatera have been lost to time and are only recently being uncovered - discover the past, and perhaps even the future, of Arolatera through the eyes of the storytellers.
The Lost Tribes
The lost tribes of Arolatera are sometimes disputed among historians and archaeologists regarding their existence. After generations of consulting Omniscients of rogue, myth and regular types, the evidence needed to prove their past was found. Retrocognists were also consulted to figure out what happened to these Lost Tribes of Arolatera - were they wiped out, or were there survivors?
The news that they harbored was both good and bad for the broken history of Arolatera. It was discovered that the Lost Tribes were being taken by the Black Markets during the Dark Era of Arolatera, and as such, their populations quickly dwindled. Many were sold into slavery, and many of them chose death over bondage.
The better news of their discovery was that because of this, there were still at least some Arolaterans of the Lost Tribes who not only were surviving, but who would be able to communicate in the common languages and possibly have more firsthand insight to the history of the world.
Now, all that was left to do was to find the survivors and bring them to their rightful homes.
The Triyaga
The Triyaga were a tribe rumored to have ties to the Ikillva and Nmidri. They were known for having multiple irises and pupils in their eyes, ranging from two to four in a single eye. They rarely appeared in humanoid form, and were either feathered or furred either way. They most often had the same amount of tails as pupils and irises in their eyes. They also had a high chance of having invisible eyemarkings. Due to how rare it was for Triyagas to appear in humanoid form, some historians suspect that the Triyaga are in fact still roaming the surface in far more vast numbers than previously suspected, hiding in the form of a small furry or feathered friend. Triyagan fossils, tombs and records are not particularly difficult to find in ancient sites across Arolatera. They are noted to be particularly easy to find in modern-day Nmidri, Ikillva and Zekaana settlements, further strengthening the hypothesis that they are related to at least some of them.
The Deravakai
The Deravakai were a tribe whose name history confirms that they coexistsed with Virikais at some point in time. Their name, in the rare static ancient Kaiian tongue, literally translates to "Unique-Eyed Family", hence why both tribes end with "Kai". The Deravakai earned this name due to their strange eyes. Their eyes contained no iris or pupil, but rather an eye marking. Where most Arolaterans' eye markings were (below the eye), the Deravakai instead had three unmoving and unblinking, but still functional eyes. Their marked sclera eyes could blink, however, and the nature of their eyeless eyes and compensating ones earned them their name. Modern analyses of the fragments of remaining Deravakai DNA confirm that although the naming of their tribe was generally interpreted as kindness on the Ancient Virikais' part, they did in fact share the unmistakable Kaitoseng shared by Kai tribes in the color of an electric green.
The Enadrakai
The Enadrakai, much like the Deravakai, were a group that coexisted with Virikais and whose name is derived from the rare static Ancient Kaiian. Their name translates quite literally to "Magic-Hair Family", and has earned them the occasional moniker of a "Semi-Lost Tribe". Omniscients and historians agree that the Enadrakai were a sort of bridge between recorded Old-World and Ancient Kaiians with modern Kaiians, a title that owes its presence to the reasoning of their name. The Enadrakai were the first of the Kai tribes to show a direct correlation between surrounding auras, magic ability, and hair color. They were also noted to have had an affinity to the Ancient Kaiian language. These known facts about the Enadrakai would bridge the Ancient Kaiians and their unmatched magic ability with Modern Kaiians' innate ability to make their hair change in part or entirely to match nearby auras. The Enadrakai are deemed "Semi-Lost" because their existence is confirmed and recorded in many parts of Arolateran history, and direct relatives of notable Enadrakais are alive and recorded today.Their Kaitoseng takes on an orange color.
The Shatrouma
The Shatrouma were always an elusive tribe, but one whose existence is confirmed by the origin of their name. The term Shatrouma comes from the ancient Nmidrikillva shared language, and roughly translates to "Taste-Seer". This is likely due to the fact that the Shatrouma's giveaway trait was that the markings beneath their eyes could lift from their skin and behave as a sensory organ, much like a tongue. These markings were organs of smell and taste, and their senses were far more acute than their nose or mouth. These markings could also refrain from behaving as sensory organs and instead behave as a shield for a Shatrouma's eyes, using their tongue-like appendage to cover their eyes from attacks, as the markings also had a non-newtonian property to them. When used as a sensory organ, they felt soft, much like a tongue. However, when hit roughly with any physical object, even diamonds would shatter on impact.
The Deravotikai
The Deravotikai are magic-endowed humanoid figures whose eyes only worked during certain times, signified by symbols they bore in their eyes, a condition that would be known as Eravotix when it began to show up outside of Kaiian populations. For an Eravotix eye that worked at night, in the day, the eye would appear to only have a crescent shape inside of it. For an Eravotix eye that worked in the day, the eye would have a subtly glowing sphere in it. For the rare Eclipsed Deravotikai, whose eyes were perpetually blind save for during an eclipse, their eyes would show a mix of a crescent and a circle.The Deravotikai were the first recorded Kaiians to utilize Ritual Starbinding. The name of the tribe means “Unique Sky-Eyed Family.” Kaitoseng color is a deep but bright blue.
The Vysonakai
The Vysonakai were magic-endowed humanoid figures who had 2-10 hearts, 2-13 eyes, 1-3 lung-like organs, 1-4 livers, 1-6 kidneys, 1-7 stomachs, and two mouths. One of which was normally placed, the other was found on the stomach, though some Vysonakais sometimes devoted part of their magic to hiding it for reasons unknown. Their stomach mouths were known to be able to talk and sometimes could seem like they had their own minds. The Vysonakai were recorded as having starkly taller average heights compared to any other species in Arolatera, even Caralovians and Covamirans. Their many extra features are sometimes theorized to be a result of overexposure to Cara/Cova energies. Their name means “Strange-Insides Family”. Mixed Vysonakais sometimes have traits that bypass the typical Vysona numbers. The Vysonakaiian Kaitoseng color is pale yellow.
The Undated Crater Graves
The Undated Crater Graves is a portion of Arolatera that has sustained incredible damage by Kaiian corruption acid. This portion of Arolatera is so desolate and lifeless that it was deemed illegal to step foot into it for centuries. The issue with this Craterfield is that unlike all other Craterfields, the approximate time of its formation is a complete mystery. Where other Craterfields could be given a surge of life based on how long ago they were formed, this Craterfield is widely unknown in terms of formation date, making the chances of repleneshing it near impossible.
The Undated Crater Graves are also volatile, and though it harbors no life, witnesses have said time and time again that it behaves as if it is. When attempts were made to replace the lost life in it, the graves reacted by either creating a barrier around itself for non-Kais, or by swallowing whole Kais into its barren land. Some suspect that the true cause of this Craterfield is not even true corruption, but rather an otherworldly force that draws on the power of Kaiian acid and uses it to rupture the earth. It is, however, rumored that Caralovians and Covamirans are in fact able to traverse this mysterious Craterfield with little issue, and even Kaiian mixes of these races can safely cross. Splitsouls are also rumored to have this ability. However, none of these rumors have been explicitly confirmed, and no one wants to risk their life just to prove it.
Another odd characteristic of the Undated Crater Graves is that the phenomenon is present in every Reality, and each time a crater is added in any given Reality, the others will match it even when there is no connection.
Origin of Rogues and Fables
The Origin of the Virikai Rogues is something that no one has confirmed the truth behind. All but the omniscients and retrocognists, of course, who have a clear insight into their creation.
During the times where the Virikai otherworldly gifts were feared, there lived a cruel man by the name of Seth who knew what they seemed not to - the true power of corruption, and how it could make him the overlord of all of Arolatera at the time. He was a master of stealth and concoctions, and sought to stop the myths from ruining his plans. Through deceptive persuasion, he convinced the rest of the city that the myths were to be exiled, and so they were.
He soon resorted to using parts of the DNA and relics that behaved similarly to those of the Myths, in order to create a parallel group whose goal was not to follow fate, but to break it. These five became the rogues, but because of their fatebreaking nature, rather than follow the orders of their very creator, they instead set on their own independent path.
Another group of five grew suspicious of Seth after he banished the five Myths. The accusations he placed upon them were indeed convincing and worthy of exile, yet they had interacted with the Myths before and found no evidence whatsoever of their supposed actions. Seth found out about their plan to expose him and bring the Myths back home, and decided to turn his attention to them, framing them as a threat due solely to their homosexuality. They too, were exiled, and set on a journey to find the Myths to set things right. Upon being exiled, they became known as the Fables, and paved the way for Seth's eventual overthrowing from when they pleaded their case that inadvertently revealed a truth that would be kept in ancient records for generations.
Origin of the Ashvari and Gletrivan
The story of the Ashvari and Gletrivan's creation goes back to a time when the Virikai was a much broader term. It included many Arolaterans, some of which had an affinity for minerals, others of which had a liking for plants and fungi. The true origin of the Ashvari is rooted deep in Virikai history, from a time when spells were casted in groups and different cults existed beneath the Virikai name. One of these cults consisted entirely of Virikais who had a strong connection to nature around them. With a goal in mind to become as close as possible to the plants and fungi that surrounded them, they cast a spell that would turn them into a plantlike humanoid figure, which they named the Ashvari, after a heavily accented Virikai term that roughly translated to "Blooming Potential". The origin of the Gletrivan stems from a similar time, and is the result of a cult of Virikais with an affinity for minerals casting a spell to merge their physical forms with the mineral that was closest to their soul. This spell was, like that of the Ashvari cult, a success that led to the Gletrivan. Like the Ashvari, the name comes from a heavily accented Virikai term that varies in meaning, but in general means, "Strong as Stone".
The Nmidrikillva Feud
The true beginning of the Nmidrikillva feud began as a result of the first Mythical Omniscient, Marienne Kaurani, following what fate had planned for the far future. She drove a stake between two allied tribes, the Nmidri and the Ikillva, by framing the Nmidri's ruler for murdering the Ikillva's chief's wife in cold blood. By doing this, the Nmidri and the Ikillva would mostly sever ties while some remained neutral or allied to each other. This would spiral into both tribes venturing about to find new allies, and would set Arolatera on the course for becoming the vast, flourishing and diverse place it is now. Marienne threatened her fellow Myths when they tried to mend the rift, and it took generations upon generations for her true motives to be fully revealed shortly before the fifth Corsevemas War.
The Living Language
The language of Ancient Kaiian is its own category - it is Arolatera's only "Living Language", eternally in flux due to the existence of an artificially created entity bound to it. Ancient Kaiian is spellbound to forever be changing, which is how the Ancient Kaiians who created the language would protect the secrets hidden in the language from people who tried solely to mimic it rather than devote their minds to it. This is why some cults based around the language still exist, even now. Sometimes labeled "The Dreamer's Tongue" for its habit of gifting itself to certain Virikais in their sleep, Ancient Kaiian will only grant itself to Virikais who, like its creators, were devoted to using magic for the general good of the world.(Of course, there were some exceptions, but the vessel of Ancient Kaiian, Adnotav, seeks to filter them out.)
Ancient Kaiian changes 7 times per month, 84 times per year and has a cycle that repeats every 3 years. This means that for 3 years, every 4.34 days, the language changes and will not be the same as that time period until another 3 years after. These numbers were determined by the Ancient Kaiians that cast this spell on the language: 7 devotees gathered, the ritual was repeated 84 times, and 3 devotees survived. The Ancient Kaiian entity can be so specific in how they gift the language to Kais that one person can only understand AK during the 4.34 day period in which it remains constant, meaning that one person will only understand AK for 4.34 days every 3 years.
As Ancient Kaiian is constantly changing, there is an interesting aspect of it and those who understand or speak it - in any form, whether writing, sound, video, or just spoken, Ancient Kaiian is perceived by those who were granted the ability to comprehend it the same unanimously. This means that for the bearers of the language, the words they hear or see of Ancient Kaiian, when spoken or written by another Ancient Kaiian speaker, will change accordingly. However, to all non-Ancient-Kaiian speakers, they will only be able to perceive it as it was at the time of its recording.
The Lost Tribes all speak Ancient Kaiian and some of them even pioneered certain aspects of it. One of the 7 devotees in the ritual was in fact a purebred Deravakai. The three devotees that survived were a purebred Virikai, a Triyavakai (Triyaga, Deravakai), and a Shanadrikaivotix (Shatrouma, Enadrakai, Virikai, Eravotix). Historians often dispute about the exact year when Ancient Kaiian faded in favor of its cover-up language, Traditional Kaiian, but they generally agree that whenever it happened, it marked the shift in prominence of species in Arolatera from the Lost Tribes to the Modern Species.
Some scientists and omniscients work together to fully understand the correlation between the Kaiian essence which is shared by all Kai tribes, known as Kaitoseng, and the chances of comprehending Ancient Kaiian. While the true ratios and numbers are still incredibly baffling, each generation brings them closer to fully understanding the sentient language and its reality-transcending vessel.
Arolatera's Founding Facets
In one Reality, Arolatera's beginnings were jump-started by a pair of Facets who were summoned to an almost empty pocket of existence. Young for their race, the two Facets Roch-ba'alh and Tuk-ve'eas, of Creation and Destruction respectively, would go on to create an Arolatera unlike any other. Dynamic with chance yet logical in contingency, this Reality interacted with itself in ways unseen before. The young Facets would age with the world that they had forged, and would become a phenomenon among their own kind due to their collaboration. With both the child of their creativity and their own doings exceptional in every way, Roch and Tukve stood the strongest chance against Oblivion and became a beacon for future Realities born in the Guardian Star's name to protect themselves against the oncoming emptiness that sought to snuff out the Guardian Star's light.
When the Guardian Star first assigned Roch and Tukve to the pocket Reality, it was because they saw themselves in the young pair - Creation and Destruction, the two greatest pillars of Reality and the perfect duality of Unity. Rebellious and ruled, innovative and old-fashioned, the Guardian Star saw the future of all Realities within the two Facets.
The Cybronakais
Far in the future, many eons ahead of the Current Era, a new species of the Kai family was created through trial and error, countless artificial mutations, and some intervention from Facets, Splitsouls, and Extraterans. The result was a race of machine-like creatures made not of metal nor flesh, but an unknown substance that behaved like an amalgam of both. With a name that meant 'Future Family', they mingled with the rest of the Arolaterans quite easily, and hybrids even existed among them.
However, when the Cybronakais began to favor more humanoid figures in their populations, they turned to a Cybronakai by the name of Millevena, who had an almost perfectly humanoid appearance if it weren't for her deep gray skin, Cybronakai markings, and abnormally tall height.
This would prove to be the turning point for the Cybronakais, as she began to demand more and more from those who served under her. Upon discovering that one of the endowed Cybronakais in the population had the vision to see extremely far into the past, her lust for power grew and she used the information she could extract from this Retrocognist Cybronakai to make a scheme that would make the Cybronakais the supreme race for all of Eternity.
She leeched the life force of many Arolaterans, Splitsouls, Extraterans and Cybronakais to grant herself the ability to travel back in Arolatera's timeline to the point where the Cybronakais could plant the seeds for their conquest with the highest chance of success. When her advisors discovered her plot, they made a last attempt to stop her by keeping the memory of what she had discovered in the Retrocognist's vision stuck in the Future while the rest of her traveled to the past. They sealed the vision away in a vault, never to be released, and made their plans to go after her. When they departed for the past, the devout followers who saw glory in Millevena's plans also chased after the advisors, seeking to terminate them and allow Millevena to complete her plans.
With no memory of her schemes of conquest, Millevena landed near an old building that advertised itself as an orphanage. There, she would meet Luscinia Nightingale, who told Millevena of how she dreamt of the day a power beyond her wildest dreams would appear right in front of her. Millevena changed her name to Millennium, and went on to aid Luscinia in her own Corsevema schemes, still drawn to the idea of power and control over all of Arolatera.
Now, all of the Cybronakais once native to their home in the Future Era have chosen a side and migrated to the Current Era, fighting for their beliefs alongside Arolaterans, changing the future whether they like it or not.
The Guardian Star
In the beginning of Existence itself, there was a being of absolute Unity named Iyu, who sometimes called themselves the Guardian Star. The Guardian Star was the very first Facet – they were the Facet of Unity, predating the Facet species’ bind to the realm between realities. The Guardian Star was the first to ever triumph over Oblivion in a fight, but at a cost. They lost their original representation of unity, but knowing what a threat they would pose to the reality they started in, they exited it and drifted on the realm that bordered it. With the fragmented unity they held onto, the Guardian Star created aspects of itself, such as knowledge, wisdom, courage, chaos, and more. With the last bit of unity they held onto, they split it evenly among every reality there was, so that every reality no matter how distant would have at least one thing in common to unite them when it was needed.
The Guardian Star itself has never faltered, now drifting between Realities in the same realm as its fragments, the Facets. The Guardian Star is an enigmatic entity whose true history remains unknown to many. Despite the mystery surrounding this benevolent guardian of Existence, the Guardian Star often visits some of the Realities that its light creates, checking in and protecting them from Oblivion's attacks, should they be present. Manifesting as a star-like light in the sky as large as the moon, the Guardian Star will remain in any Reality rather sporadically for a period of about five minutes, before it travels to the next. It has been observed that those born under a Guardian Star's visit are in some cases able to bypass the laws of Reality itself. Those born under a Guardian Star take on the title of a “Guardian Starchild.” Although the Guardian Star appears every year, there is not necessarily a child born under its light every time. The link to the Guardian Star does not make someone Realitybound, as the Guardian Star is a chaotic entity that exists on the edge of all Realities, with some of its essence occasionally bleeding into the Realities it dances with.
The Guardian Star is very interactive with the plethora of Realities it moves between and the Facets that live in its same plane of Existence. It is the Guardian Star which chooses Facets and assigns them to individual Realities for various purposes. In every Reality, the Guardian Star's apparition resides at the top of an omnipresent mountain range known as the Peaks of Fallen Voices. Like the Craterfields, the Peaks will inexplicably parallel with every other version of themselves. Those who successfully scale the Peaks will encounter the Guardian Star's apparition and communicate with the embodiment of Unity itself, though in all of Existence's own history, only a total of five have successfully reached the top.